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The Ultimate Girls

Week Away

February 2020 saw our very first Ultimate Girls Week Away (aka UGWA) take place in Fiji at the beautiful Plantation Island Resort.

There, we had close to 180 women join us as we created the most incredible 'transformational bubble'. What a time for transformation- right before the world changed!

Here I was blessed to witness these beautiful souls shift and transform into the true Goddesses that they are. We saw the truest of life-time friendships form through conversations, dance, song, workshops, room buddies and so much more.... 

We all had our hearts touched through workshops and inparticuly from our Keynote Speaker Elizabeth Gilbert.

Speaking from my own personal experience here- to be able to talk with Liz over a meal, to then partake in her workshop the next day, then to heave snot tears on Liz's shoulder and then to have the biggest belly laughs... lets just say I had the most biggest healings on my heart that I have ever had- and that's saying a lot!

I left so much lighter and have never looked back.


⬅ When Elizabeth Gilbert reminds you to always remember who you truly are and to keep shining for the World... you can't help but beam with joy.

After a full day of Liz's workshop and I'd been having massive snot tears moments throughout the day, I saw our keynote speaker at dinner. I told Liz a massive thank you for holding the incredible space for not only me to shift and release but for the other women as well.

This is a screenshot of Liz's comment to my post on Instagram. As you can tell by my eyes there had been lots of tears...

All for the better though and so worth it

Are you ready for our next Ultimate Girls Week Away!?


The Ultimate Girls Week Away
is heading to Cairns, Australia 

Join us Crystalbrook Riley in Cairns!

Are you craving those connections with like minded women?

Are you wanting to be inspired and feel excited about life again?


We have all been through some challenging times over the last couple of years, but wouldn’t it be just wonderful to have something wonderful to look forward to?


This year, The Ultimate Girls Week Away Retreat includes Keynote Wisdom Keepers Alana Fairchild, Amy LoughrenSamala Thakialee, plus another amazingly inspirational woman yet to be announced.
There is Workshops, Spa Treatments, a Healing Hub, and lots of other activities, but it is also so much more than that…


It is time for you to reflect, relax and reconnect to the woman you were born to be. It is time to laugh - that long, deep laugh that you often can only do with other women, and we want you to discover these moments that you will remember forever and hold close to your heart.


It is time to say yes to yourself and join us The Ultimate Girls Week Away.

There is so much more I could tell, but the best way to find out all the details is by visiting The Ultimate Girls Week Away website -


One of the many great things that came out of the world changing, and with what we each may have personally experienced over the past three years, is that so many people have realized that they can work for themselves. They can create their own working hours suited around their own family time and create the life they truly want- and so many have!


Do you now work for yourself?

Do you crave setting your own working hours to suite you, your family, and to create the life your soul yearns for?

Would you love to connect with like minded women who are also in business, love collaboration, want to help other women succeed in and strive forward in all the success and abundance the Universe has to offer...?


There are so many women, including myself, who have gone through so many different paths- thus leading to the learning of many lessons. Lessons that we choose to create as gifts to others so we can share how they can foresee these and turn these lessons into their own Superpowers and continue to strive forward.


Want to know more?

Click HERE for all information and booking details.


Come on ladies- you really don't want to miss this incredible opportunity.

It's going to be so incredibly amazing to see you in Cairns!

So much Love & Gratitude to you all 

Christine xx

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