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Lion's Gate Opening

These Loin's Gate Energies have hit me hard!

The Gate Portal is open from the 25th of July - 12th of August, with its peak being the 8th of August (8/8).

For me, on the 24th I had a Magical day- I was on the biggest high. I tapped into a snippet of one of my Divine timings, had reconnected with a beautiful Goddess Sister and my Soul was buzzing with excitement (I still have goosebumps just writing this!). ~That night I had the most peculiar dream~

*SIDE NOTE- I do a lot of 'work' in my sleep. Lately I've been jumping timelines and seeing so many different perspective to what has accerd in my past- and into some other lifetimes too. So for me to have 'wierd, bizarre, strange or peculiar' dreams isn't unusual.

In my dream I was with my Mum. She was going through her process of transition with her cancer (last year our Mum had a quick transition from this world to the next with pancreatic cancer). I was with her, just being with her, and in this dream I also had a young son who was with us. Long story short, just as I was about to wake, I went up to Creator (using the ThetaHealing® technique) and asked "What was the meaning behind this?" I was told that this had played out in a parallel world to this one (one of the many we have going on) at the same time as we were going through it in this World. The karmic contracts that had been made weren't completed in the parallel world. The way things panned out in this World did complete them- so now they don't need to reoccur again 💜 Then I realized we had entered the Lions Gate Portal- Of Course!!!

So the 25th (Saturday) I spent in the garden with my Son and Loved putting in new seedling and plants into pots and the ground knowing we had big rains coming But- I was also on edge. Normally the garden soothes and grounds me, which it did- but after something got me. I felt like I was on a knife's edge and couldn't shake I went to be early- after doing all kinds of clearings and know tomorrow is a new day.

The 26th- Sunday (yesterday) I hit a wall.

I was so emotional, so I let it out and cried.

I really felt the weight of the Worlds emotions with everyone feeling cut off from loved one's, myself included, and then I realized I NEEDED to switch off- turn off and replenish my headspace. So I turned my phone off, kept the laptop shut and sat on the couch watching Netflix.... btw 'Cursed' is an awesome series to get into- just sayin'.

Today, after another night of interesting dreams, I feel fantastic!

The reason I'm sharing this with you is because whether you're aware of these energies, and what's going on with them, or not- we're all affected by them.

🧡You may be having flashback's to times certin times in your life. Where you were miss treated and that could be triggering the fuck out of you when it pops up in your mind now- even if it was 10, 20 or 30yrs ago!

🧡You may be having past regrets coming up

🧡You may have an urge to do a detox or cleanse for your physical. I'm currently on week 3 of a full gut reset and then liver cleanse. This too can bring up old emotions and memories as your releasing crap and toxins from your body.

🧡Now is the time to get clarity on what it is you Truly want. Get Manifesting!

Humanity as a collective is being 'Upgraded'. The downloads that are coming in for those who are ready to receive are phenomenal.

~We all have a past ~We all have either experienced or witnessed trauma or we all carry some kind of trauma in our DNA from our ancestors ~If you haven't cleared what has been holding you back it WILL come up

Now is a great time to book in with an Energetic Healer for a balance or to clear anything that may be coming up for you.

Or- you could go one better and learn an Energetic Healing modality for yourself!

I'm teaching online ThetaHealing Basic DNA starting this Thursday. Head to the 'Courses & Events' on my here on my website or the 'Events' on my Facebook pg for more information.

Want to know more about the Loins Gate and how you can, not only release things, manifest your biggest dreams and make them a reality? Join me on the 8/8 for a online meditation- again, details are on the 'Courses & Events' here on my website plus the 'Events' section on my FaceBook pg.

💜Please be gentle with yourself. ❤️Love and nurture yourself. 🧡Allow the strength of the Loin guide you. 🌠Do this, and you'll be roaring your passion with no chains holding you back!

You've got this!

So much love and strength to you all beautiful Souls Christine xx 💜💚❤️

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